Michele Tzigani showed me this music about the same time I took a job writing music for a promotional video for Zak Landrum. I think I may steal the beginning of this music and use it for my own work.

The older I get, the more I realize how to affectively borrow ideas from other people and make it my own. The point of music, for me is to change someone’s mood either through dancing or some other sort of meditation. If the point of writing music was to show off how creative I can be from scratch, I wouldn’t feel very gratified. There is no reward that isn’t solely for the sake of stroking my ego. Most things I’ve written have come from some combination of music I’ve heard or studied in the past anyhow. Why is it not the same if I am AWARE of where Im taking my ideas from?

Find your voice through your experiences.

“A good composer does not imitate; he steals.”
-Igor Stravinsky